Luke 2:13-14
“Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others-the armies of heaven-praising God and saying, Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.”
In today’s world it is hard for us to imagine an army that would desire peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased. They might desire peace for their own people and maybe peace for those that think like they do but to desire peace on those with whom God is pleased no matter what the country etc… that is a stretch isn’t it. It is also a stretch for us to think of an army that takes time to praise God.
Well, this is not just any army. This is the army of heaven. It was an army of angels sent by God to make known the birth of His son. Throughout the world at that time, human kings would make known the birth of their sons. It was a big occasion. Here we find God Himself making known the birth of His Son. I think it is Interesting to note that He didn’t make it known to King Herod right away. He didn’t make it known to Caesar either. He sent a host of Angels, the “Heavenly Army” to make it known to shepherds staying in the fields nearby.
But let’s get back to the message. I guess you could say I am amazed at this message. The Angel’s message was, “Peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased”. I don’t see a lot of peace on this earth. When I read the news on line I read about wars and conflicts around the globe. People can’t seem to get along with each other anywhere. But notice that the message doesn’t say Peace on earth period. It says, “Peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased”. Well the next question would be, with whom, is God pleased? I think the answer to that is found in Hebrews 11:6 where it says, “And it is impossible to please God without faith”. I understand this to mean that God is please with those who trust Him. In other word’s God is pleased with those that know they can’t make it on their own, He is pleased with those that refuse to trust in riches, or fame or any other thing that promises happiness. He is pleased with those that put their trust in Him for all their needs and bow before His Son whom the angel said is the Savior, Messiah.
Peace comes to those that worship the Christ.
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